(Eng.) [part 1/4] DIR EN GREY WOWOW Interview & Document (2020) - Transcript

The whole interview is divided into 8 topics, and the translation is divided into 4 parts. This is the first part, which includes the previous 2 topics.

👉 part2. / part3. / part4.


01. Band Formation ~ Debut
02. Expression
03. Performance
04. Music Clip
05. Member Feature
06. Overseas
07. Transition
08. What does DIR EN GREY mean to you?

※The five members were interviewed separately and then edited into a video, so the words spoken by each of them are not necessarily coherent.

※[ ] are timemarks.


{tocify} $title={Table of Contents}

01. Band Formation ~ Debut [01:18]

- - The Formation of DIR EN GREY [01:53]

Shinya:All four of us were in the same band except for Toshiya on bass. Then the band broke up and we had to find a new member again.

Kyo:Each of us all wanted to be in a band. So after discussion, we decided to get rid of one person and get the four of us together.

(*Note: After La:Sadie’s disbanded, the four of them decided to form a new band in addition to KISAKI.)

Die:We were friends with Toshiya at that time, so we thought about finding all the members and forming a band with him.

Toshiya:At that time, their band was gaining momentum. I would like to play with the four of them if it’s possible and I happened to be invited. That’s what happened.

- - Origin of the Band Name [02:53]

Kaoru:At that time, there was a band that communicated with us very closely. The band had a song called DIR EN GREY*, and that’s where our band got its name. I always thought it was a good name, so I suggested it as the name of our band.

(*Note: It refers to a song called “Dir en Gray” by the band “LAREINE” (with Kamijo as vocalist), which was formed in 1994.)

Kyo:There were two alternative names at that time, the other one was proposed by me, but the final vote was 3:2 so I lost. (laughs)  After I lost, the band name became DIR EN GREY.

(*Note: Another name is “如月” (きさらぎ/kisaragi ), source: DEG wiki)

- - Looking Back at the time of Debut [04:04]

Shinya:The three debut singles were produced by YOSHIKI-san. He also played the piano for our song after debut, I had no regrets at that time even if I died, that’s how I felt.

Kaoru:At that time, we had only recorded once or twice in a decent studio, and we had also recorded in places like homes.  YOSHIKI-san took us straight to a professional recording studio and said, “Let’s make the debut single!” without giving us time to think.


02. Expression [05:10]

- - Awareness in the Creative Process [05:43]

Die:After all, the band has been around for more than 20 years, therefore, we have to create something more exciting. It’s not that I have to do anything, but I try to experiment with all kinds of things. So there are times when we can’t be categorized as anything but DIR EN GREY.

Shinya:While it is changing over time, now I just want to make songs that I feel good about.

Toshiya:Every recording has to add the sound that you think is good, and you must like the songs you create, or you must love them.

Kaoru:The overall sense of balance and the feeling that the listener will have, and of course there are many other things.  I would listen to the song several times to feel it, and repeat it over and over again. I can remember it by listening to it over and over again. After listening to it a few times, I will pay attention to interesting pieces, new discoveries, and so on, while I’m composing.

Kyo:Most people have a fixed style after 20 years, like “This is the way this person is,” but I’m not like that. Of course it’s cool to stick to your own unique style, although I can do that and feel like I can keep myself.

Kyo:I don’t like to make people think that “This is how I am in the end” or something like that, it’s not my style. I want to show the changes in each moment directly. When I can’t express the music naturally, I may stop, and when I can’t create freely, I will stop.

- - Things want to Convey through Music [08:32]

Toshiya:What I/we want to convey is simply “pain (痛み)”. Living is a hard thing, and being able to create that power of anger, I think that’s our music.

Kyo:I am very bad at expressing beautiful things, or is that not for me?  It’s… it’s irritating.  Maybe it’s because I often feel that there is nothing good in the world, and I don’t like things that look like fabrications.

Shinya:Those are supposed to be in the lyrics, and I don’t particularly want to express the pain with the drums.


Kaoru:I think that varies from person to person, and there is no right answer. For me, I also have a part of myself that I want to convey, so maybe I’m thinking about that while I’m creating.  If I were to say that we all share the same idea, it would be that we can express what we think without hiding it.

Die:Being able to feel pain means you are alive, and hope is born from that. The first thing I/we want to convey is “to be alive”.

(*Screen caption: Feeling pain = Being alive)

- - The Motivation for Expression [10:45]

Kyo:If there is something that I want to convey which will be the motivation, I am not.  I’m just living.

Toshiya:It should be the anger and sadness in life, just the two.  If I can express both, I feel I can be saved.

Shinya:There will be people who come to see the LIVE, and those fans are my motivation.

Kaoru:I think it’s because I don’t want to admit defeat. I don’t want to admit defeat, it should be more like I don’t like to admit defeat. I am a weak person, I will want to run away when things happen, and will want to give up when I can’t do it. But on this point I still do not want to give in to defeat, I want to do it well.

Kaoru:Of course, I have to face the other four members. I’m carrying their lives and my life is being carried by them as well. I did it with that determination.

(*Oh, leader sama😳)

Die:I think it’s LIVE. LIVE is the most direct place to convey ideas and resonate with people. I am moving forward with LIVE as my goal.

(To be continued...)


👉 part2. / part3. / part4.  


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